Is it me or is Democrat the longest 4 letter word?
I can say that I do not think this is a biased opinion; I with certainty say I do not have a passionate disdain for Republicans. Yet I know so many who really, I mean really, loathe Democrats.
What alarms me most is their campaign literature is so segregating. Since my house mate is listed as independent, we've received a variety of Republican Party literature. I am not talking specific candidates, but rather mailers that say "We can stop the Democrats".
It makes me feel as though the inefficiency that they preach about is a direct response to their inability to work with Democrats.
They want voters to stop the Democrats...? Well I think they have done a fine job themselves thus far. What the American population really wants is for you all to work together so that there is a balanced approach to governing.
Most Americans are moderates, sampling ideas from both parties. Maybe it is time stop calling me a D E M O C R A T ( spelling so the children in the room don't hear the forbidden word) and start understanding that disagreeing about an issue doesn't mean we can't find middle ground.
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